Wednesday 22, November
I have breakfast on the balcony and take a look at social media on my phone.
The news about the Gaza conflict is terrible.
The balcony is my favorite part of my house when it’s sunny, although my neighbors must think I’m a weirdo.
I decide to vacuum and then make some coffee.
It’s been kind of a ritual since I bought a coffee grinder. I really like to buy coffee as beans, use my hands to turn the grinder and then brew it in an Italian espresso machine.
Then I go to the nearest supermarket to buy some vegetables to cook. The result is kind of a chicken stew similar to curry, delicious!
レビューサイトで評価をチェックして、決めたのは、ロレーヌ・レヴィ監督の『もうひとりの息子』。(原題『Le fils de l’autre』)
It gets dark very early this season.
I spent a long time looking for films to watch, checking their ratings on movie review sites before finally deciding on “Le Fils dels L’Autres” by Lorraine Lévy.
I don’t know the director, or what the movie is about, but it has good ratings and the guy in the poster is very handsome. I never watch movie trailers or read the synopsis. I prefer to find out little by little.
To my surprise the movie takes place between Israel and Palestine.As I’ve been thinking about the conflict a lot lately, this movie is really what I needed.
It’s not about war, but it is a beautiful drama that explains very well how the situation has been over the last few years (it was made in 2012). It presents us with a very interesting dilemma between two families, each living on one side of the wall, but connected by an impactful event in the past.
The characters are very interesting because of their cultural context and their religions, and it shows us situations full of nuance that give us much to think about. The music is really beautiful, especially the folk songs of the country where the story takes place. A country that is disappearing as I write this diary.
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- 映画日記から振り返る 2021年のニュースとアレコレ
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- 俳優 サヘル・ローズの映画日記 2021年1月21日
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- 映画日記から振り返る 2020年のニュースとアレコレ
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- ドラァグクイーン ドリアン・ロロブリジーダの映画日記 2020年11月25日
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